The Gaming Commandments That Every Gamer Must Follow

 Gone are the days where a game was considered as a mere means of relaxation or entertainment. Today it has progressed unparalleled to the major religions of the world, with a huge global fan - following base. In addition gaming and cosplay conventions, these games have now advanced to offer regular sequels, different gaming platforms and UI's.

But to become a glorified gamer and join any of the gaming fandoms, you must understand and accept the commandments of the gaming world, unconditionally. Whether it is the latest PC games or console ones, here are a few gaming commandments you need to take into consideration in order to usher in the new era of gaming peace and prosperity.

Thou shalt be careful of your plugs and wires: As a gamer or spectator, thou shalt keep an eye on all plugs and errant cables. Avoid stepping or tripping over these elements as they will not only be connected to the system, they will also disrupt any game in progress. They can even lead to the destruction of gaming equipment, which is nothing short of any gamer's worst nightmare. Case in example, the Red Ring of Death commonly found in Xbox consoles.

Thou shalt not save over another's game: Be it video games or even Android games, you never ever save over another's gaming profile. Gamers have known to spend blood, sweat and tears completing quests, side quests and acquiring rare and legendary weapons and items. A simple save over another profile instead of a new one leads to nothing but a callous and cruel heartbreak for any gamer.

Thou shalt stop a playing session at the 'next' checkpoint: Once you start any game, especially the latest PC games or console ones, it would be hard to stop playing it. The only acceptable step in this place is to stop playing at the next checkpoint. Should you reach the aforementioned checkpoint, you should stick to that checkpoint only, and not the next one.

Thou shalt keep away all distractions while gaming: Whether it is PC video games or even Android games a distraction will cost not only your concentration but also your virtual character's life. Put your mobile on silent, keep handy food and drinks within an arm's reach and plug in your headphones.

Thou shalt go rogue at least once: After all, all rules are meant to be broken at least once. This however, is mostly applicable in certain cases, such as multiplayer games where your teammates are nothing short of annoying 'noobs '. Slice and dice all of them so that they know they can't take your patience for granted. However, you do risk getting banned, so do be careful.

Last but not the least, thou shalt not cheat... blatantly: Every gamer uses cheats, at some point in their lives. However, stick to your PC or console games, and never ever cheat during online gaming sessions, least you are ready to be banned for life or live with the shame of being caught.

Tips To Survive Your Favorite Endless Running Game App

 Game apps on android and iOS are nothing short of exciting and entertaining. There are just so many of the games to try when you have time in your hands and you can make selections according to what game types you find interesting and fun to play. Considering that the games can be quite addictive it is important to exercise control so you do not end up neglecting things that matter all in the name of making it to the next level in your favorite game.

Endless running games are some of the most exciting, especially because of the speed involved and the unexpected obstacles and challenges you must avoid and get through to keep moving up the levels. These are games that will keep you holding your breath hoping that you do not suffer fatalities making the quite popular among users. The choices for the running games are numerous and more keep being developed every now and then with improved features and challenges. But how can you try and improve your survival rates when playing the running games on your smartphone or tablet?

Tip 1 - Position the phone strategically to maximize the game graphics. The size of your screen will determine how big and visible the graphics; it may be a good idea to flip your phone horizontally to get better visibility and bigger images for that matter to improve your gaming experience.

Tip 2 - Understand what the running game is all about. The running games are always about dodging obstacles and enemies among other challenges. The only way you will know how to run right is if you know what you are supposed to avoid and what you are supposed to run right into to gain rewards. Try and get as much information about the game as possible before you start with your run so you do not end up running blindly.

Tip 3 - Check out demos and practice to get familiar with the game. Some of the running games will come with demos that you can use to get familiar with the game. Take advantage of those to get a feel of what the game is all about so you can enjoy an easier start.

Tip 4 - Try as much as possible to play uninterruptedly. Regular pauses in the running games will only increase your chances of instant death once you un-pause. Try and enjoy a smooth run until the next stop, but don't pause just because you feel the challenge has become too much or too hot to handle.

Tip 5 - Learn to relax and remain in control of the run no matter how intense it gets. When you freak out tackling a challenge you increase your chances of making wrong moves and turns that end tragically. In as much as you want to win, remember it is just a game and therefore not a very serious matter.

Tip 6 - Know your rewards and how to use them to your advantage. Some people find it hard to move up the levels because they do not make use of gained rewards such as coins.